QUALITY OF LIFE OF CANCER PATIENTS. Oncological scientific-practical conference, October 3-4, 2024, Kyiv, Ukraine
At the initiative of the Ukrainian Society For Cancer Research (USCR) Non-governmental Organization, the Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology and Institute of Medical Radiology and Oncology organized a scientific and practical conference with international participation "Measuring the quality of life of patients in the columns of experimental and clinical oncology publications: challenges and opportunities" for the first time in Kyiv, on October 3-4, 2024.
It was attended by 200 clinical oncologists and researchers offline and over 1,000 listeners online, which indicates the relevance and importance of the above topics for a wide range of specialists.
The conference became an interactive platform for professional dialogue and exchange of experience between representatives of different specialties.
The main topic was improving the quality of life of cancer patients, which made it possible to consider interdisciplinary approaches to the development of modern strategies for diagnosis, treatment, medical rehabilitation, social and psycho-emotional adaptation of patients.
The conference participants had the opportunity to exchange experiences and identify the most effective practices in this area, which, in turn, helped to plan further directions for the development of oncological science.

On October 3-4, 2024, a transdisciplinary conference "Measuring the quality of life of patients in the pages of experimental and clinical oncology publications: challenges and opportunities" was held for the first time in Ukraine.

In a keynote speech Vasyl Chehun, Head of USCR, Dr. Med., Prof., Acad. NAS of Ukraine, revealed the importance of the modern landscape of innovative technologies in optimizing the quality of life of cancer patients.
The scientist emphasized that at certain stages of the development of modern oncology science, there were hopes for overcoming the disease.
Great hopes were placed on the discovery of oncogenes, decoding the genome, and thorough study of the microbiome. However, cancer diseases remain an extremely urgent life and socio-economic problem to this day.
As a result of the analysis of literature data, it turned out that in more than 72% of large clinical studies, even in our time, the issue of the quality of life of cancer patients and their families is not considered at all.
Nevertheless, the interest of researchers, clinicians, and society as a whole in solving the problems of the quality of life of cancer patients is growing. Modern omics technologies open a window of opportunity for implementing the principles of personalized medicine, including using artificial intelligence.
Prof. Vasyl Chehun emphasized that on the path of transdisciplinary approaches we need to find non-standard, but balanced scientific and methodological, clinical, socio-economic, regulatory and legal solutions and opportunities to improve the quality of life of cancer patients.

Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Valeriy Geyets and co-authors from the State Institution “Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine” presented a report dedicated to the issues of transformation of social quality in healthcare in wartime conditions.
From the State Institution “Institute of Economic and Legal Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”, Volodymyr Ustimenko and Olga Rossylna focused on the social and legal aspects of the quality of life of patients at the stage of reforming the medical industry.
Candidate of Law, lawyer, legal consultant of the “100 percent of life” NGO and the “Patients of Ukraine” Foundation Oksana Kashintseva spoke about the role of patient organizations in expanding access to treatment through intellectual property law mechanisms.
The current aspects of providing cancer patients with modern anticancer drugs and creating optimal conditions for physical and psychological rehabilitation were voiced in their speeches by the heads of patient organizations Larisa Lavreniuk, Kateryna Burlak, and Larisa Lopata.

Conference highlights
Following the conference, a joint resolution of stakeholders in the field was adopted, which crystallized the fundamental components of the project for the formation of a program to improve the quality of life of cancer patients: analytics, interaction, development of paths, implementation and use of innovative technologies.
The list of basic principles of the proposed program included the inventory of clinical data based on evidence-based medicine, comparative analysis and updating the list of clinical guidelines every year, and the creation of transparent criteria and standards of expected results.
“For the first time in the history of the state, researchers managed to involve economists, demographers, lawyers, and representatives of patient organizations in productive communication, all of whom, together and each separately from their professional point of view, worked in synergy to create a single approach in planning a strategic route to improve the quality of life of cancer patients,” Prof. Vasyl Chehun argued for the relevance of the resolution.
During the conference, the foundation was laid for the creation and updating of modern guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of current nosologies, the implementation of the best practices of colleagues in order to continue the productive development of oncological science and practice.
Conference site
Organizers of the conference:
Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology (IEPOR) named after R.E. Kavetsky NAS of Ukraine
Institute of Medical Radiology and Oncology named after S.P. Grigoriev NAMS of Ukraine
National Association of Oncologists of Ukraine Non-governmental Organization
Ukrainian Society For Cancer Research (USCR) Non-governmental Organization
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