Ukrainian Society For Cancer Research

USCR Organization

USCR is for scientists, doctors, teachers and graduate students

For oncologists

We unite specialists in experimental and clinical oncology on the basis of the RE Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology, Oncology and Radiobiology (Kyiv, Ukraine).





3-4 October 2024

Quality of life for cancer patients Conference, Kyiv.

Dear colleagues!

Welcome to our official page of Ukrainian Society For Cancer Research (USCR) Non-governmental Organization!

If you are an experienced scientist, doctor, leading specialist in the field of clinical and experimental oncology, have related interests or are just starting your scientific and practical career, we invite you to join our team!


Head of USCR

Dr. Med., Prof., Acad. NAS of Ukraine

We offer you our support based on experience in the field of oncology, medicine and biology, strong scientific potential, cooperation with world-renowned specialists, openness and a desire to improve the professional level.

In the period of great challenges for Ukraine, we have created a strong team of the best professionals to raise the prestige of the domestic oncology science and together we will confidently move in the global space of proud cancer researchers!


We are waiting for you on an interactive platform of professional communication of specialists in clinical and experimental oncology, researchers, pathologists, oncologists, surgeons, orthopedic traumatologists, radiologists, neurosurgeons, chemotherapists, immunologists and doctors of other specialties.

On October 3-4, 2024, the first scientific and practical conference "Measuring the quality of life of patients in the columns of experimental and clinical oncology publications: challenges and opportunities" will be held.


FAVOR PARK ГОТЕЛЬ, Kyiv, str.Samiyla Kishky 6


It was attended by 200 clinical oncologists and researchers offline and over 1,000 listeners online, which indicates the relevance and importance of these topics for a wide range of specialists.

On October 3-4, 2024, the first scientific and practical conference "Measuring the quality of life of patients in the columns of experimental and clinical oncology publications: challenges and opportunities" was held in Kyiv, Ukraine, Favor Park Hotel.

About USCR

Ukrainian Society of Cancer Researchers (UTDR) is an all-Ukrainian voluntary association of citizens (scientists, doctors, teachers, graduate students and other specialists) in the field of experimental and clinical oncology.

Our mission

The main goal of the activity of the UTDR is to unite its members for the sake of:

  • popularization of scientific achievements

  • coordination of basic and applied cancer research

  • organization of scientific and practical events

  • publications of scientific and popular scientific publications

  • educational work

  • promoting the exchange of experience between specialists and assisting in the integration of domestic science into the global scientific space.

Scientists in the field of oncology

If you are an experienced scientist, doctor, leading specialist in the field of clinical and experimental oncology, have related interests or are just starting your scientific career, we invite you to join our team!

Head of USCR

The governing body of the UTDR NGO is the Management Board of the Organization, which is headed by Chehun Vasyl, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

How to level up professionally?

Many years of experience in the field of oncology, medicine and biology, powerful scientific potential, cooperation with world-renowned specialists, openness and a desire to improve the professional level - this is what we offer you today.

Our impact

in the development of Ukrainian oncology in a period of great trials for our country

Promotion of oncology

Dissemination of the results of scientific research in the field of experimental and clinical oncology. Educational work on screening, prevention of oncological pathology and rehabilitation of cancer patients.

Implementation in practice

Facilitating the coordination of fundamental and applied research and their implementation in clinical practice.

Organization, participation and holding of scientific congresses, conferences, symposia, school-seminars, master classes, etc., dedicated to the problems of oncology at the national and international levels.

Publications and journals

Support for publications in Experimental oncology and Oncology magazines, as well as popular science brochures and monographs.

Expert help

Providing expert and scientific-methodological assistance to scientists, clinical oncologists and teachers of medical and biological educational institutions.

Promoting the integration of science into the global scientific space, exchange of experience and cooperation with foreign scientific institutions, societies, foundations, etc.


The rise of Ukrainian oncology

In the period of great trials for Ukraine, we are creating a strong team of the best professionals to raise the prestige of the domestic oncology science and together we will confidently move into the global space of fearless cancer fighters!


Join the USCR organization - fill out the application and questionnaire and send it to us. Everything is very simple!

If you have any questions, please contact our secretary, Veronika Bentrad.

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